
Robert IV (Robbie) is 10 years old and is currently in the 4th grade. He loves all things Fortnite, skateboarding, snowboarding, playing outside until the sun goes down and he is my true momma’s boy.
Joseph is 5 years old and is kindergarten. He is often mistaken for the angry one (but really he is just passionate). He never gives up on anything. He loves all things dangerous and one day he just might have a career in extreme sports.
Karis is 19 years old and is currently a second semester Sophormore at The Univeristy of Oklahoma. She pursuing a degree in Creative Media Production and a Minor in Business.
Robert is the main man at Weinerville. He is a business owner, YouTuber, husband and father. There is nothing this man can’t do. He loves big and guides our family fearlessly. Feel free to jump on over to YouTube and see what he has going on. And as always LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!
Judah (Judah Baby) He is 3 years old and he is the baby of the family. He has every single one of us wrapped around his little finger. He may be the baby but he can do just about everything the big boys can…he has even broken his leg trying.
Benjamin (Benja) is our Christmas Baby. He is 6 years old and is in the 1st grade. He has the sweetest heart but don’t let that fool you he is the prankster of the family and always out to make you laugh.
Kaylee is 23 years old and GRADUATING from The University of Oklahoma in December 2018. She is graduating with a degree in Energy Management and prior to her final semester she accepted a full time position with an oil and gas company here in Dallas, Texas.