The Blog

Get Out Of The Zone

When we took that big leap of faith and decided to move to an entirely new city and start a brand new life my biggest fear was leaving my comfort zone.  We were leaving our family, friends and life we had built over the last 18 years.  I knew this was going to be hard but I really had no idea just how hard it would be.

Shorty after our move Robert and I made plans to go on a date night with his business partner and his wife to the Rangers’ Game.  At first I was excited because this was a new experience and a chance for us to get out and see this new city kid free and really to just let go and breathe for a second.  I soon realized we did not have our Papa (Rob’s Dad) to come over to watch our boys or our Daughter Karis because she was starting her new life in college. What we were going to do? Who was going to watch our kids?

We have never had to look for a babysitter because we have always had a close family member to help us out.  I know I know we were spoiled and no I never took that luxury for granted it. This was just something new we were all going to have to navigate.  I decided to join a Facebook group made up of moms here in Southlake.  I put myself out there and I posted for the first time in the group inquiring about a sitter.  I was nervous not only for myself but for my kids.  After all of the trauma they had just been through was I being selfish leaving them?  I instantly received several recommendations and private messages.  I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with all of these mom’s encouragement and willingness to help. These moms made me feel welcome and at ease. As silly as it sounds this facebook group made me feel like I was apart of something and not alone.  I felt like this facebook group was going to be my saving grace.  It was going to help us find our way in this new life. But how do you choose a sitter??  How do you know that you are picking the right person to leave your kids with?  Honestly, you just don’t.  After agonizing about my decision I trusted my gut and I decided on one.  I also realized that just because I was far away from home and in a new place that we were going to be ok.

I messaged with the sitter’s Mom back and forth and I became comfortable with my decision.  I felt it necessary to let her know what we had just gone through just in case her or her daughter were uncomfortable with the situation.  This was during the time that our kids were really struggling with separation anxiety, the fear of us never coming back, the fear of something bad happening, the fear of the smallest thunder storm and just the over all unknown that life brings us.

**If you are unaware of what happened to to us you can watch the YouTube video here or catch up on my past posts here.

This Mom reassured me that everything was going to be ok.  She made me feel like I suddenly had a tribe of people again.  She brought her daughter over ahead of time and instantly my kids loved her.  All of my worries were quickly gone.  Robert and I got to enjoy our much needed date night.

The next day this wonderful family showed up at our house with a bicycle, toys and several other things.  They insisted we come to their house and have dinner. We could not say no because before we knew it our kids where in their car saying “bye mom.”  This family took us in and made us feel welcome.  They showed us that we were going to be ok in this new life far away from home.  They showed us that out there in this big scary world there is still humanity, compassion and good people to help when you needed it the most (even though you are stubborn and refuse to ask for help.) We also learned about Joe’s Pizza that night and for that we are truly grateful LOL.

This past week I had the honor of taking their oldest daughter’s senior pictures.  I know she was nervous and out of her comfort zone but boy so was I.  I love taking pictures, I always have.  Sure, I have taken pictures of my kids and my niece but I have never done it for someone outside of our family.  Senior pictures are a big deal.  I was so afraid I was going to ruin her senior year LOL.

We spent some time at a local park and made our way through Southlake Town Square.  I took 495 pictures that evening just to make sure we had enough options.  I surprised myself.  These were some of the best pictures I had ever taken and if Tiffany was not proud of herself then she sure should have been.  She stepped out of her comfort zone as well and by golly she nailed it.

My love for taking pictures has made a come back.  I am excited to head to Norman in the next few weeks to take my daughter’s COLLEGE Senior pictures.  I am not quite ready for her to graduate in December though. It feels good to do the things you love and it feels really good to be in a place where you have people that support you.

Thank you Landgraf family for being that light in the dark.  For having an open heart and the kindness to help out a family that you really didn’t know needed it so badly.  Love and kindness go along way.

The next time you aren’t sure whether you should step out and do something completely uncomfortable…just do it.  Sometimes the hardest things we do in life are some of our greatest adventures.  Sometimes those adventures bring new people into our lives that we never expected.  Funny, I keep noticing God keeps placing the right people in our lives just at the right time. I don’t always see it at the time but over time its hard not to see it.  Life is full of the scary unknown but if we can learn to embrace the unknown and look  for all of the positive that could come out of a situation rather than all of terrible we would all certainly be in a much better place.  And if you feel it inside of you to reach out to someone you arent’t sure about… you should just go ahead and do that too.  You never know when you might just be the light in another person’s dark.



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