Food For Thought, The Blog

Did Someone Say “Son in Law”

I grew up spending my summers in the pastures of Oklahoma.  I have a Granny that I would run wild through the pastures with, play with kittens with and and make good ole beans and ham with. I had a Grandpa Dude taught taught me how to tend to cattle, bale hay and pack a cellar with the necessities during storm season. Some say I have an accent.  I am true Oklahoma girl through and through the red dirt runs through my veins.

Robert told me it is Thai custom to try everything and to not say “I don’t like that about anything.”  Honestly I think that should be customary for every ethnicity right?

We arrived at this parents house and I was greeted my his Mother.  She gave me hug and called me darling.  Darlin’ is in my vocabulary and I knew instantly I was going to love this Woman.  The house smelled delicious.  Like food I had never smelled before.

We sat down to eat and his Mom explained to me that Thai food is served family style and we all just fill our plates and sit at the table. Ummm, this girl from the country grew up on family style!  We were off to go a start.

I filled my plate with a little of everything.  Rob’s Mom knew I was probably a  wimpy little white girl so she went easy on the spice level just for me. She explained to me what each dish was and how you were supposed to eat it.

She came to this one dish that did look really appealing to me and it was called “Son in Law Eggs.”  I laughed and asked why is that the name of the dish?  She explained that eggs and rice are two of the cheapest ingredients and when the Son in Law comes to dinner he is served the cheapest of meals LOL.  I guess that seems fitting.  Does that mean that the Oklahoma equivalent would be beans and cornbread?

Anyway, I tried every single thing on my plate.  I liked every single thing on my plate but my favorite were the “Son in Law” eggs.

That night at dinner I felt at home with Robert’s family.  I felt like they were a good ole Oklahoma family just with a different set of recipes.  I did not know that night that one day I would marry into that family and I would be apart of the wonderful world they lived in.

After being married to my husband for a few years I finally asked my mother in law how to make those eggs.  She said I cannot tell you I just have to teach  you.  Watching her cook and to cook with her has to be one of the greatest pleasures I have ever had.  We have had nothing but sweet conversations while cooking together and over time her style of cooking has become of apart of me…just like my Granny and my Momma’s cooking.

Just because we are all from different cultures does not mean that we do not have the same ideologies, way of cooking and a way to love each other and be kind.  I am proud to have married into a family with darker skin than mine and have a little culture and something exciting in my life.  I am proud to have children that have come from an interesting background…from my side of the family and Rob’s. (I am not knocking anyone so please do not confuse what I just said.  I am not calling anyone racists or making any political remarks just to get that all out there.)

I am thankful for my Oklahoma family that has given me a rich southern upbringing full of religion, food, the meaning of family and certainly full of  kittens! I am thankful for my Thai family that has shown me there is so much out there for me to love and explore.

I am good ole Oklahoma girl that cooks chicken fried steak one night and Son in Law eggs the next!

Here is the recipe for these delicious eggs!

  • 1 dozen hard boiled and peeled eggs
  • 1 onion thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1/4 cup of chopped cilantro for garnish
  • 3 green onions chopped for garnish
  • 4 tbs of the oil of your choice
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup of Oyster Sauce (mushroom sauce found on the Asian aisle)
  • A dash or two of fish sauce ( don’t be scared!  It tastes good!  you can a little just to work your way up.
  • 1 cup of water of water mixed with 1tbs of water
  • Red chili pepper flakes…if you like a little spice!
  • A pot of cooked white rice

Place your oil in your pan and let it get SCREAMING HOT.  Make sure your eggs are dry and place them in the oil and let them get a little blistered. Stir them around in the oil for a couple of minutes. Once they are done remove them to a plate.  Place the onions into the hot oil and let them “fry” until they achieve a little bit of brown color ( we aren’t going for full caramelization).  Add your garlic and stir for a moment.  Add you sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce and water.  Let your sauce come to a bubble and thicken.  Once your sauce has thickened place your eggs into the sauce and let them cook and soak up the sauce for about 1-2 minutes. Place a good amount of rice in a bowl and place your eggs and sauce on top and garnish with your red chili flakes, fresh cilantro, and green onions.  Enjoy!

I hope that you enjoy this recipe just as much as I do. And I hope you find rich heritage in many of your own recipes.  Life is short so please enjoy the people around you and the different recipes that bring to your life. If you enjoyed this post I would LOVE for you to pin, share, like, comment, and subscribe!



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