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One of the hardest thing in life is seeing your child hurt, sick, dealing with a defect and really the negativity of this world. We hold our kids tight and pray over them every day that they will be perfect always and protected from everything.

Benjamin started pre-k this year and he was so excited to be starting school like his big brother.  He even got the same teachers that Robbie had in pre-k which made it even sweeter.

Benjamin is a smart, caring, sweet boy that is shy but a little bit rowdy at the same time (the best kind of boy in my opinion). I had noticed after the school year started that the 13924824_10207303825697986_621679289508859335_nclothes he was picking out didn’t quite match (the normal kind of matching consistent with being a little kid) and that when we would color together he was hesitant to choose a color from the box.  I really didn’t think much about these things until his teacher told me he might be color blind.

His teacher explained to me in the nicest most supportive way that he was struggling with colors in the classroom.  Benjamin has been blessed by having two of the most caring and understanding teachers I ever met. As a mom even the smallest imperfections in our kids are devastating.  Its nice to have support of your child’s teacher.  They are with your child every single day and some days they see our kids more than we do. I made an appointment that day with Benjamin’s pediaimg_6384trician and she referred us to a pediatric eye specialist.

Today Benjamin and I saw Dr. Groves at  here in Tulsa and let me tell you we could have not had a better experience.  Benjamin has a minor heart condition and he is used to check ups and different equipment being used.  Even still he was apprehensive today about the examination.

The lobby was filled with so many fun things and the staff had the most loving and caring attitude I have ever seen.  Benjamin was able to relax and he actually started to have a little fun I think.  They have a fun lady named Marge that sits in the waiting room with the kids.  She reads books, colors, works puzzles, plays blocks you name it she does itimg_6385.  Benjamin had the best time with her.

After dilating Benjamin’s eyes and doing a complete exam Dr. Groves determined that he was color deficient and the had astigmatism in his right eye.  Colorblindness is something that your are born with and never gets better or worse.  Benjamin will learn to adjust as he grows up and will learn to live with it.  Now the questions is do we go ahead and put Benjamin in glasses?  The doctor said at this point in time it is not necessary itimg_6387 is just a choice.  He said it will help some with brain development but not wearing them won’t hurt anything.  Dr. Grove’s said somewhere down the line Benjamin needing glasses will not be choice but a necessity (of course we will be trusting God for a complete healing in Benjamin’s eyes…people are healed every single day).

I just don’t know what the best option is for Benjamin. We have some time to think about and let me be honest that I am just thankful that is all we are having to worry about right now.  This little blip on our radar is so small in comparison with what others out there have to deal with.

Benjamin is a trooper and he will succeed in life and I know thisimg_6386 will not affect him.  But like I said as parents even the small things bother us when it comes to our kiddos.  Benjamin has the most perfect green eyes and if we decide to put him in glasses they will just be a fantastic accessory to enhance is ever changing style.

He picked out a pair of glasses and I asked him why he liked them.  His answer was simple and oh so sweet, “because now I look just like Daddy.” I did not realize that the frames he chose were pretty identical to the ones my husband wears.  Funny how kids notice and remember things.

So all in all today was a fun learning experience.  Really it was a chance to spend a little one on one time with my sweet boy.  I cherish every minute with each of them and sometimes I think we get these blips because we do need to take time for each one individually.





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