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Hopes and Dreams

img_5718As children our parents teach us to set goals, dream big and to never give up hope.  I remember as a child and a young adult dreaming about my future and how my life would turn out.  I never quite expected it to turn out the way it has.

I learned through the years that if you are constantly setting goals and achieving them then you really can accomplish anything.  Not that that does not mean reaching those goals is easy because it is most certainly not.

As a parent my husband and I teach our child to ALWAYS dream big.  Always set a goal that you may not think you can achieve and to always believe in yourself.

fullsizerender134 years ago my oldest started college.  That was really the first time I experienced the moment of “you can do anything you want to” coming to a reality.  We dropped her off in her dorm and we hugged her and we told her that the next few years would be fun, tough, but oh so rewarding in the end.

Children usually think us parents just talk to hear ourselves talk and to encourage them along the way.  Not so.  We really do know what we are talking about and just like them we have had to fail in life and learn as we go. And as parents and adults we still fail and we are always learning.

My daughter’s freshman year wasn’t an easy one.  I knew it wouldn’t be.  So much in life changes when you go to college.  You become disconnected from you family, you loose and make new friends, you have to learn to become self sufficient, and lets not even begin to talk about the changes that come with your school work and classes.

She is a junior this year and let me tell you she has found herself.  She has found a major that clicks with her, she has a sound group of friends and she is comfortable in her own skin.  I could not be more proud and at img_62741peace that her goals that she set 4 years ago are starting to become a reality.

A year and a half ago my youngest daughter started taking the ACT.  At the time it felt like her college years were so far in the distance that I did not need to start thinking about her leaving.  She would probably tell you that she was overly annoyed with my persistence to study and to start thinking about her future.  She would probably also tell you that she is thankful for me pushing her because now she understands I was right and time really is not on her side.

This past weekend she experienced only the beginning of the fruit of her hard work.  She was accepted into the University of Oklahoma.  She has already applied for several scholarships…which I have no doubt she we will receive many.

In just a couple of days her graduation packet is due.  My baby girl is 49758650473__309c50f6-0722-4274-bbf2-07c0ade61a21going to be leaving sooner than I realize.  I will continue to annoy and push her to always do her best and yes I will tell her often college is rough.  She will also pretend like its no big deal and that I am just her Mom being over protective. Its ok…we both understand.

One of life’s most gracious gifts is watching your children grow and become who they are supposed to be.  To watch them set goals that somehow at the time seem so unattainable but you know they are oh so capable of.  I will cry throughout this next year but they will most certainly be tears of joy, happiness and really peace.

My girls are becoming such strong independent girls with futures so bright they are blinding and watching them realize that is like no other experience.

Kaylee and Karis I love you like you could never understand.  I dream big for you every day.  I pray for for you every day.  I believe in you everyday.  I wish that I was half of the women you have become when I was your age.

As you grow and reach your goals I hope that you realize how great you are and that there is not one single person in this world that can take your greatness away from you.  God’s hand has guided you through every phase of your life and you just wait because he has so much more in store for you.unspecified


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